Thursday, December 31, 2020

Houses Don't Have to Be for Dolls!

     This little house is a garage, built for cars and boys This is the side view of the garage The straps allow it to be carried
Interior view with ramp and storage box attached Before the roof fabric was on Folding the walls to attach the roof
These are the ramp and storage box Putting the walls together with foam core Affixing the ramp and storage box
The walls, one piece for three sides

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Little Girl Purses

These little purses are reversible, to give 2 different looks for each one. I also created an insert, that can be moved from purse to purse very easily, and hold all the important stuff every little girl needs to keep near her. The insert protects the purse, so that each side always looks good!

I then added a special clasp, on a tether, to hold the purses closed. Other closures wouldn't have allowed the purse to be fully reversible. The clasp is very pretty.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Holiday Themed Face Masks

Just some of the holiday themed face masks I made this week. The light blue "City" themed fabric will match my holiday themed purse I will be carrying after Thanksgiving. Most of the others went into the mail, and hopefully will be happy in their new homes.


My Black-Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan, flower made with gold and yellow fabrics, glitter mesh, and black sequined brown center. About 3 feet wide.
Black-eyed Susan
My black-eyed Susan is a flower made with multiple yellow and gold fabrics, some covered in glitter mesh. It has a black sequin covered brown center. It's made to hang on a wall or door, lay on a table, or on a bed as decoration. It's evocative of summer and fall, especially in the mid-west. It's about 3 feet wide, and is a early Christmas gift for a good friend.
Black-eyed Susan

Another passion of mine, Genealogy


Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Little Pink House

Here are some updated photos of the houses I have been working on. I think that they are cute, there is a pink, a grey and a beige house. Each has some furniture, and are ready to go along with a child, to be played with, where ever they might be.
It isn't finished, buttons to keep the flap closed, and covering the handle still remain, but it's close. Want to see how I made it, click here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Padded Gloves for a Friend

Football with thumbsPadded gloves with football fabric exterior Padded gloves for a friend, we are testing out various styles to see which works best. She has three pair that have no thumb, so now has a range of testable padded gloves. (one pair of gold background Lion King not pictured) I fought with this new blogger to set up a better alignment, and it just wouldn't work!
                Padded Interior
 Gingerbread Man, nearly thumbless

      Lion King with fuzzy interior

The Lion King gloves are thumbless

                    Dino gloves, thumbless

Halloween Masks

Halloween Masks made it early October
I made my sister and I a couple of masks for October, that match purses I made last year! Won't we be styling as we do our grocery shopping and drive throughs...


Friday, August 21, 2020

Second Poinsettia

The depth is too  much for my machine, so this is all hand turned
Work continues between storms and showers. These take at least 8 hours to create, and much of the sewing together seems to take much longer, because it has to be done so very slowly. Still, it's very pretty. The second is different than the first, in many ways, which I will outline on my how-to page, not here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Years ago, I saw something similar to the poinsettia door/wall hanging I am now creating, and making for pre-Christmas gifts. Interested in seeing what I'm doing and how I did it? You'll find it here!

This is the first, I will be making several, and will very likely make them differently, though using the same pattern, because it feels right. I will update my how-to page with my results and ideas to make this even better.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Another Birthday Another Gift - Take Along Bag!

Another birthday is coming up soon, so that requires another birthday gift. This is a 'Take Along', it can be filled with lego's, cars, monsters, super heroes, rocks... for storage or for visiting! It's too bad you have to wash flannel before using it, because it comes out of the dryer all used-looking.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Family Member's Need

Specific, plain, 4-layer protective face masks

Family member needed a set of very specific face masks for their work location, so I sat down and put them together. While I was at it, I made myself a couple of new masks. The elastic gives out pretty quickly on a mask, so I am 'tying a knot' in my older mask elastic, and will continue to use it, in rotation with my new masks.

Meadow with birds sitting on a handleBirds in a meadow is a favorite fabric of mine. It is one I often choose to put into the scrapy quilts that I make.

Monet lily pad design face mask

The Monet print is another favorite, though there wasn't really enough fabric to make the mask. I had to piece some fabric into it to make this mask work, but it's for me, so that's ok.

Friday, July 24, 2020

I'm in a Creative Desert

After years and years of working all the hours available, I find myself in an interest desert, with a handful of things I want to make, and no interest in getting started. I'm doing a lot with my family tree. I'm reading a lot. Because of issues with my Tivo, TV is kind of unavailable. Not that I watch a lot anyway, but even that little is gone right now.

When I say all the hours of the day, I mean all of them. I would put in my 10 day at my workplace, then come home to be creative. Once I left my workplace, I still worked the same number of hours, though I had more time for reading and other entertainment. But now, I just can't seem to find the interest. I also find I have less patience with my dogs, who drive me crazy, on purpose. I don't know how big the desert is, or how long it will take me to get across...

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Red Letter Day!

Today's a red letter day! After 9.5 weeks in facebook jail, facebook censorship really, as there was no reason behind the jailing, I've been freed, and am now republished and live again. I won't put all my eggs in that basket, again. What they did devastated me and the business I was building.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Next Birthday Gifts...

The tale of 2 quilts. I frequently cut out and build out/up two quilts at a time. I like to have choices when I am putting them together, alternate blocks to place/put together. And when 2 nieces/nephews birthdays are approaching, it just makes sense to 'keep me out of trouble' to make them similar. No "how come he/she got..", "why didn't I get...".

These two are going out into the mail soon. The first, with the gray boarder and purple binding is backed with fleece, and though it has a woven fabric interior, to help protect the stitches from being stretched to breaking, it still doesn't have the 'body' of a more traditional quilt, which is what the second quilt is. Made during the 'lock-down' when fabrics/options weren't as available as they usually are, I'm lucky I have such a big stash! They are almost exactly the same, but quite different!

Monday, May 11, 2020

After Facebooks Nasty-ness

Not believing that Facebook could so unconscionably, maliciously and without reason or grounds destroy what I spent time and effort to build, I kept making masks. As the first week after came to a close, I was slowing down perceptively.

At the end of the second week, I had done all the work to build out this website, researching other advertising options and had come to a near stop sewing. It's now the end+ of the third week, and I am quite depressed about how they allowed me to be blown out of the water by what can only be, well you put a word to it. Mine are all very, very negative.

I wont be making any more for awhile, well, unless something happens and I sell at least half of my current inventory. I have new fabrics too, purposely purchased for masks. It's just so sad.