Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Other Small Projects

New PJ shirt for Bob, unfinished 

Recreated shirt for me

Short-sleeved PJ shirt for Bob

 A couple new shirts for Bob, summer PJ shirts and a redone shirt for me. Once long sleeved, wide collared and tied waist, at least a size or two too big, but the only one they had, I've 're-imagined' this shirt by fixing the collar, cutting of the sleeves, adding trim and fixing the bottom.

Taking The Family Along

The Hitchhiking Ghosts...

 A new project, teaching my self a new-to-me software, to manipulate photos, to create a whole new item or look...

My Happy Haunts..

The photos embedded on the originals could have been sent through an app to make them blend in more, however, that isn't the idea. I don't want them to blend in, I want them to stand out, to look different, to be noticeably different. My own, personal, grim-grinning ghosts.

Printing 'til it stopped (HP!!!)
A Backpack for a Park
A Backpack for Dad's Day
Tina's Bag, side one (?)
Tina's Bag, side two
Couldn't find a blue tank
Close-up of tank top
A Blue Tee Shirt
Close-up of Tee Shirt

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sit-Upons for Park Visits and More

I made these a little while back, waiting for Spring Break block-outs and over sized crowds to be over.  Visiting the parks and finding a clean, dry, cool seat can be difficult at times. So, Sit-Upons to the rescue. Light, easy to carry, they will allow us to sit anywhere, and not take any less than salubrious messy stuff with us, not stick to the seats, not burn our legs on the seat, softening nobbly concrete walls or get wet from standing water or other fluids.

Rolled up for travel

These REALLY made a difference, softening the seating, and keeping us clean and unburned.

Showing plastic 'down side'


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Needing a Pair of Shorts or Two

Several Pair of New Shorts Awaiting Elastic

 I haven't posted in a while, though I haven't been exactly busy, I have completed a project or two for a friend with a handicapped grandchild, read all the Arthur Conan Doyle books and stories, most of the Wilkie Collins Books, among others and started on some household projects that need to be completed. There's lots more to do!