Friday, November 15, 2019

Boys Holiday Fleece

My boy's holiday fleece, each going with a hanging panel for the home, of the truck and tree in a winter scene. The first was to have a big contrasting pocket, and go over the head, but a mistake took that pocket to be the yoke back of the bigger shirt. The scraps left are so small they will only work as stuffing for pillows of the future. Things never go as expected. Of course, it wouldn't have needed the pocket if I had cut the front on the fold... Ah well, there great for play time jacket/sweatshirts.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Team Tops

I found a piece of fabric, just about a yard, and was able to construct these team tops, sizes 2T and 6, for a birthday that's coming up soon. Her sister's can be put away for another occasion, just perfect for a reward for an accomplishment.
Size 2T, image is centered on the back, too.

From a tee pattern, lengthened the sleeves, added a pieced scarf