Saturday, March 13, 2021

A Plain White Pair of Sneakers

Saw a video on dressing up white deck shoes, so I thought I would try it.
Couldn't find deck shoes, so I'm making some changes. I've cut out and glued on the fabric, waiting for the glue to dry. When it's dry I will trim, tack the fabric down, and eh voila, a new pair of shoes, like no one else's!

Did you ever think about the name/word 'sneakers', and why these type of shoes are called sneakers?

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Figment Masks and Bag

Several weeks ago I stopped sewing, I stopped cold. It had little to nothing to do with the pandemic, more to do with immense sadness at the meanness and hate displayed by so many. 

My sister likes Figment. We found a shirt, some socks and some bags at Epcot. I deconstructed one of the bags, just a 12x17" square bag with a drawstring across the top, and created several multi-layered masks and a purse to carry when we visit the parks, which we do several times weekly.