Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sit-Upons for Park Visits and More

I made these a little while back, waiting for Spring Break block-outs and over sized crowds to be over.  Visiting the parks and finding a clean, dry, cool seat can be difficult at times. So, Sit-Upons to the rescue. Light, easy to carry, they will allow us to sit anywhere, and not take any less than salubrious messy stuff with us, not stick to the seats, not burn our legs on the seat, softening nobbly concrete walls or get wet from standing water or other fluids. 

It's just a hand-towel, or a piece of toweling the size of a hand-towel, with a piece of plastic sewn onto one side. rolled up and tied to a backpack, it's always available to keep me clean and comfy.

Rolled up for travel

These REALLY made a difference, softening the seating, and keeping us clean and unburned.

Showing plastic 'down side'


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