Saturday, August 1, 2020

Family Member's Need

Specific, plain, 4-layer protective face masks

Family member needed a set of very specific face masks for their work location, so I sat down and put them together. While I was at it, I made myself a couple of new masks. The elastic gives out pretty quickly on a mask, so I am 'tying a knot' in my older mask elastic, and will continue to use it, in rotation with my new masks.

Meadow with birds sitting on a handleBirds in a meadow is a favorite fabric of mine. It is one I often choose to put into the scrapy quilts that I make.

Monet lily pad design face mask

The Monet print is another favorite, though there wasn't really enough fabric to make the mask. I had to piece some fabric into it to make this mask work, but it's for me, so that's ok.

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