Monday, May 11, 2020

After Facebooks Nasty-ness

Not believing that Facebook could so unconscionably, maliciously and without reason or grounds destroy what I spent time and effort to build, I kept making masks. As the first week after came to a close, I was slowing down perceptively.

At the end of the second week, I had done all the work to build out this website, researching other advertising options and had come to a near stop sewing. It's now the end+ of the third week, and I am quite depressed about how they allowed me to be blown out of the water by what can only be, well you put a word to it. Mine are all very, very negative.

I wont be making any more for awhile, well, unless something happens and I sell at least half of my current inventory. I have new fabrics too, purposely purchased for masks. It's just so sad.

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