Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sunrise - Quilt of Valor

Red sky in morning, Sailors take warning. But red sky's in the morning are beautiful to see, as I tried to display in this quilt, from the sun in the lower left, to the pink around the sun and the red of the clouds leading up to the blues of the changing night sky, sunrise is a beautiful time of day.
This, like several of the other quilts I made in the spring of 2024 (and indeed several before that) is a log cabin quilt block, set on point. This quilt, as many of the over 100 quilts I have made and gifted, is a Quilt of Valor, sent to a veteran of Vietnam.

Only half quilted, diagonally from the left.

To build the sandwich and stitch this

it has to be in pieces. I'll post again with finished photos!


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