Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Six of Seven Quilts Bound, One More To Go!

All caught up in the continuing saga of my Viking Sewing machine, I finally got it back after nine weeks, (originally told two, then they called me into their location three weeks later to pick it up, but it wasn't to be found, and wasn't actually there. The least honest folks I've found in a while, so very, very disappointing!!) These are finally ready to go into the mail! Hooray!!!!

Most of these are log cabin quilts, set on point, for a different effect. I started with 'Reflections on Water' and it's twin, but as I was making it, grabbed a more aqua colored fabric, and conceived 'Aurora Borealis' and could hardly wait to finish the first to make it, just to see if it would match my expectations once made. Thankfully, it did.

I had a handful of blocks left, so I created a few more, and came up with more sky-themed quilts with 'Patriotic Sunset' and 'Dawn's Early Light'. The other's here, I actually created first. I had seen somewhere (usually how my quilts are born) the (what I call) hiccough design, with the one set of set of blocks continuing into the border fabric, and loved it! So, I figured out what size I needed to start cutting out triangles and eh, voila!

Aurora Borealis

Dawn's Early Light

Almost all my quilts have information

A Turn in the Path

Reflections on Water

Square Ripples in the Pond

Examples of the text

Patriotic Sunset


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