Friday, February 4, 2022

My Family Tree

Something I seem to always be working on, my family tree. I had a theory that names and families would intermix on all sides, if one went back far enough. Now I don't know that you can get back far enough, or whether the theory exists here, or on another plane, but it doesn't matter. It's a puzzle to work on, and see what can be found.

I recently believe I found my 3rd Great grandfather on my father's mother's side, and have been building that family out here, even though it will take a trip to Indiana and a dive through records to determine whether the connection is correct, but it sure seems to fit. From names to having settled in Indiana not far from each other a long, long time ago.

 As you can see, I have 120K folks in my 'file' though only 76K of these are in my 'tree'. The others connect, or many of them do, I just haven't found the where and when. Some of them connect to other people in my file, not my direct family, like cousins (where I followed something back hoping that it would connect up else where) or in-laws.

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