Friday, December 23, 2016

Getting to Here from There

At 12, as so many of us did, I started babysitting on weekend evenings. By 14 I had lost my summer vacations, babysitting for the Roberts children (3, 5 and 7ish) from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, in addition to weekend babysitting stints. In next to no time, I was also doing all the house cleaning there too, as Mrs. Roberts pointed out, I was just sitting all day, I might as well do something useful. I didn't make a dollar an hour working for the Roberts...

At 16, anxious to be paid more and treated better, I applied for and got a part-time job at our local McDonalds. There are lots of stories for those years, but that's for another time. After graduation I went to work, full-time, for a local department store, and from there I worked full-time, somewhere, until just a few weeks ago. I am not old enough to retire, and I want to do something different, so I am trying to re-invent myself as a small business person, making hand-crafted products and hopefully selling them. This is the story of this journey.

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