Friday, August 21, 2020

Second Poinsettia

The depth is too  much for my machine, so this is all hand turned
Work continues between storms and showers. These take at least 8 hours to create, and much of the sewing together seems to take much longer, because it has to be done so very slowly. Still, it's very pretty. The second is different than the first, in many ways, which I will outline on my how-to page, not here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Years ago, I saw something similar to the poinsettia door/wall hanging I am now creating, and making for pre-Christmas gifts. Interested in seeing what I'm doing and how I did it? You'll find it here!

This is the first, I will be making several, and will very likely make them differently, though using the same pattern, because it feels right. I will update my how-to page with my results and ideas to make this even better.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Another Birthday Another Gift - Take Along Bag!

Another birthday is coming up soon, so that requires another birthday gift. This is a 'Take Along', it can be filled with lego's, cars, monsters, super heroes, rocks... for storage or for visiting! It's too bad you have to wash flannel before using it, because it comes out of the dryer all used-looking.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Family Member's Need

Specific, plain, 4-layer protective face masks

Family member needed a set of very specific face masks for their work location, so I sat down and put them together. While I was at it, I made myself a couple of new masks. The elastic gives out pretty quickly on a mask, so I am 'tying a knot' in my older mask elastic, and will continue to use it, in rotation with my new masks.

Meadow with birds sitting on a handleBirds in a meadow is a favorite fabric of mine. It is one I often choose to put into the scrapy quilts that I make.

Monet lily pad design face mask

The Monet print is another favorite, though there wasn't really enough fabric to make the mask. I had to piece some fabric into it to make this mask work, but it's for me, so that's ok.