The beverage holster - I've been working on this project for a while now, and just got around to putting them together. Those are two 23 oz sports-style water bottles, but 20 oz soda or smaller bottles all fit in the drink pockets.
The drink section is quilted, with batting, to help keep drinks cooler. There's some towel fabric at the bottom, to help catch condensation, too. The pockets on these 3 are each different sizes, but all will hold a bunch of small snacks. It clips right on to many things, with a carabiner clip, so leaves your hands free.
Clip it onto a purse
Clip it onto a backpack
Clip it onto a loop or a belt
Store some snacks in the pocket
These are just the first 3, of one design!
Teddy Bears 2 bottle holster
Cats 2 bottle holster
Star Wars, zippered pocket over 16 oz bottles
Star Wars 2, w/23 oz bottles
Groot, zippered pocket over bottles
Rocket, zippered pocket over bottles
3 Bottle holster with Mickey
Looking into an empty pocket