Saturday, August 12, 2017

August Update

It's been a busy spring and summer! I "vacationed", spending weeks visiting family in other states. I went on an Alaskan Cruise, and traveled by train from Seattle to Sacramento, to Chicago, to Washington and then down the coast to Orlando. I lost a dog, built a web site, worked on a business email project, rebuilt this website completely, made and delivered two quilts, and am working on several others.

Disney-themed Pocket Bag
A Queen-sized quilt using a familiar pattern Quilt started, one that waits

Early in the year, I was advised that simply purchasing fabric that represents licensed content did not mean that I could use that fabric in another product that I was selling. While this made sense to me from the viewpoint of the original owner of the content, it didn't make sense to me from a consumer standpoint, as I personally made no agreement with the content owner in how I would use the the fabric I purchased. 

I recently learned that the Supreme Court appears to agree with the consumer view. While there will be more lawsuits, I am sure, to really define this decision in full, I think it means I can go back to selling my products! I have resurrected my etsy site, and will be getting more of the products I have made out there to be sold.