Monday, December 16, 2024

My Next Quilt - Pinwheels, Circles and Stars

 I saw a photo, but no pattern, for my next quilt. I'm not finished with my latest quilt, however, I have to get the pattern down, while I have it in my head. 

Sometimes I find patterns I like, other times I will see something, and then come home and create a pattern that will get me where I want to go. This is just such a time. I've drawn out the pattern, on a sheet of white paper.

Update: I've found it. It's a 1930's pattern found in a newspaper (in the '30's) it's the Wheel of Fortune, and one of the hardest I've tried, because it should be paper patterned, or I think made on a base fabric. Each completed block stretches soooo much! It's taking a long time to get it finished!

Now that I have the pattern, I can begin by cutting it out, then glue this to a piece of cardboard. When I have to create the pattern, quilts can take longer, in the over 100 hour range (just like quilts with small pieces) as I will actually draw the pattern on fabric to cut it out.

Need to make the strips 2" and 7 1/2"

Test block - different sized pieces
I learned a lot!

Cutting and cutting and cutting.

Pinning one half.

Pinning the other half

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Quilt of Valor - Stars and Thunder

Here begins the next Quilt of Valor for a Vietnam Vet

This is the next block pattern

Why it's hard to get anything done. It's cold outside.

What I have been able to finish, inside, with interruptions.

Not easy with the cats body pressing my back.

Every block must be checked. This is wrong.

This is right, must check and re-check.

Finish one, layout the next

Corners much match the next block

One more strip and then assemble the halves.

Pinning the 2 tops halves to the batting and back