Friday, August 23, 2024

Pattern size 52, waist size actually 46" NOT 52"

It's terrible when you spend so much money on a pattern, only to find that it's badly made/designed and wont even fit the body your making something for. I understand fully why folks don't sew anymore when you cant count on the company's creating sewing items doing such a horrible job at their job!

Can you imagine offering Home Ec classes, and no one in the class has a project that works or fits because the pattern companies can't be bothered to do a good job. Great message that sends out!

1/2 the waist band 23" total 46" NOT 52

Adding the inches back in!

First try, no additional waistband, doesn't work

Adding fabric and separate waist band


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Bob Needs New Jeans, With Special Features

Bob asked me for a new pair of jeans, with a button fly, and internal buttons for his suspenders (like Charles Ingalls wears on Little House on the Prairie.) Button fly, because his historical pants that are button fly just slide off, no zippers to mess with or buttons, these need to be made as an historical pattern, so that they too, will just slide off... Lots of pattern changes and adjustments!!

From zipper pattern, button fly jeans

Coming Together