Tuesday, December 28, 2021

No Resolutions - But an Accomplishment

 Here we are, at the end of another year. While it is a man-made holiday, years, like many lives are cyclical. We're nearing the end of a cycle, and the beginning of the next. Rather than make up new years Resolutions, which no one even tries to keep, what if we turned it around and just asked "What do you want to accomplish next year?" even "What 1 thing would you like to accomplish?"

It's sort of the same thing as Resolution, but not really. It isn't 'starting tomorrow, no more sugar/cigarettes'/sitting around... it's more measured, more thoughtful. 

What do you hope to accomplish??

I want to be a better person than I have been up to now.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Who Is The Best Person You Know

Of course, you would first have to define the words in the phrase "Best Person You Know" 

Know: That you actually know. Not Gary Sinise, or Mother Theresa, or another celebrity or well-known person that you don't know as a person within your life. 

Best Person: The person that you know who probably isn't the 'most successful' materially, they usually aren't the richest person you know. I think that the two states may be incompatible - being 'rich' or being 'best'. It wont frequently be the smartest person you know, though they aren't incompatible. They are the nicest, genuinely nicest person you know. They are the most real, most giving, most caring, and probably least angry. They are the ones that you know will go straight to Heaven, they will pass go and gain $200 on the way. The ones we should all be emulating, or at least trying to emulate...

For me, there are two, and several runners up. One is my sister, Tina. Sure, she gets angry, but she lets it go quickly. She also forgives quickly, even those who've damaged her through hate and manipulation. She's accepting of everyone, even those she's sure are less than honest. She's nice to everyone, try's and does see the good in them. She's a decent human being, and being on a very limited budget, wants to help everyone who needs help. 

The second is Dennise, who among many other accomplishments, has raised her handicapped grandsons, and is the main carer, almost only carer, for more handicapped of the two. Trey can do nothing for himself, and Dennise does it all for him. Her children, like so many, don't have time for her, they have busy lives, and of course, their lives come first with them. As they do for all of us. Except Dennise. She also has her aged mother with her, and her husband is falling into dementia. She has to be an Angel on earth.

I want to be a better person, but I get frustrated with stupid people. 

You know, the one's who are so self-absorbed that they are behind the wheel of their car trying to cause accidents. The elitest who wants/tries to jump any line, because they, being who they are, shouldn't have to wait. The constant grumblers, the mean spirited people we run into everywhere, who don't care about being decent people. The Scrooges, who you hear comment 'If they don't do as I want, they should simply be killed off and let the rest of us live as we choose.' You've never heard anyone say that? You don't read any comments on news stories, do you. That's where you will see so many folks allowing their honest faces to show. But they are hiding in our lives, too. Not just strangers commenting online.

There are enough of the opposites populating our little globe, so it's important to find the good people, and appreciate them. Or the dark, bad people will weigh you down, and in the end destroy you, if you let them. I know, from first hand experience. So, who are the best people that you know?

Friday, December 10, 2021

An Unhappy Project

The Quilt Back

The Quilt Front

 I am currently working on a project that I said NO to multiple times. I said it very nicely, "I would be happy to help you with it, but I am not at all interested in making it myself." It's something I never wanted to make. I was right to say no, every time I was asked, because I am very much the reverse of happy, working on it. As a matter of fact, it may cure me of sewing anything for a long, long time. I had planned to take the fall off completely, because I was burned-out, making so many quilts over the past year or so, and to begin a Quilt of Valor in January. Instead, I may never get around to it again. Because, once again, not wanting to cause problems within a family, can be a heavy burden, and a bad thing. It's happened to me before, and when you put your foot down, everyone see's you as the villain, whereas if you just do as you're told to, by those who are used to making the decisions...

My point is this. It's important to be listened to and respected. If there's a project you, for whatever reason, don't want to do, don't let anyone push or force you into complying with their wishes or will. Otherwise, you may find yourself resenting the people who triumph over your 'No' for a long time, but more than that, you may be robbed of your joy in doing what you once enjoyed, as I have now. 

I name all my quilts, this quilt is Veruca S. (yep, the bad egg) because that's what it is. Don't care how, I want it now.

Always Ironing
Cutting and Cutting and Cutting
Squares Cut and Ready
Using a piece of paper as a guide
Once again, thread getting short

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Two-Pieced Union Suit

Ready to go to it's real home.

My brother had long outgrown his union suit, and while he loved it, the design wasn't practical for his needs. So, this project was born. A two piece union suit, which looks as much as possible like a one piece union suit, in a very light, faded pink cotton knit. I didn't have an actual pattern, but had shirt and pants pattern that I altered all over the place, to make it work.

Once he put it on, I was able to make a bunch of (but not all the needed) alterations, and now, he's wearing it, and happy. No more sewing for me, for a long time to come. I am done, without a fork stuck in, I am putting my machine away until sometime in the new year.

Just getting going on the pants.
Beginning on the shirt
Well begun, but not done.
Big cuffs and button holes ready
Only the top two buttons work
But it will look like it buttons...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Random Acts of Kindness

Holiday / Non-Holiday Aprons and pot holders

I made an extra apron and pot holder, to be a special 'Random Act of Kindness' gift, and will be sending it on to someone I don't usually exchange gifts with, as a surprise. We all need more lovely surprises, especially now, in the weird world we're living in. I actually have 3 'Random Acts of Kindness' gifts ready to go out. This is just one of them.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pot holders are perfect with Aprons

 Using the 'scrap corners of the aprons, I am building pot holders to go with them. They are all 4 different fabrics, 'wrap & zap' fillers or batting, and then stitched across. Once they are all at this stage (about half-way there) I will bind them, and they will be ready to go!

Pot holders begun!

A couple finished!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Early Christmas Presents 13 Down, 11 or 12 to Go!

See how they match
In Pairs and ...
Family Groups
And Single's
Matching each other
One one side or the other
And in color schemes across groups
They match on the Holiday side and

On the everyday side.
So that they feel connected
To the Whole group

These aprons match and don't match across families and family groups. Want to know how I made them, click here, to my 'How I made that' section.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

White shoes decorated, now they are unique!

Bought these shoes at the Sketchers Outlet, supposed to be 30-70% off, actually 4% off, wont go back, too much trouble to drive the 25 miles in such unbelievable 192 traffic,  but did decorate them so that I can wear them. First set of paints were dried in their jars, so had to go off to buy more. I think they turned out well.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Family Antiques requiring lots and lots of work

David, my grandfather's cousin's son, called and asked if I would like to have the pieces that he still had that belonged to our shared Great-Great Grandfather. As my grandfather had been left completely out of the riches, and so couldn't pass anything down, I jumped at the chance.

These will take months and months of work, to bring them back to some semblance of looking good. My Great-Great Grandfather made the chest, from left over carpet from the hall and stairs. My Great Aunt Grace, who may have battled with her father, painted the painting. The secretary may have come from Massachusetts with my G-G Grandfather, perhaps coming from his parents home.

Set of Parlor Chairs
Painting by Grace Shepard 1880's
Slightly different angle of painting
Chest made by my G-G Grandfather
Inside of chest made by G-G Grdpa
Plant stand
Bowl of plant stand
Secretary, probably the oldest piece

Monday, August 9, 2021

Fixed My Hat

Added a terry band to my hat,
to catch the sweat before it enters my eyes.
All ready to go!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Next Quilt of Valor Begun

I have the pieces cut out, sitting here staring at me on my porch, or I wouldn't be starting this now. I am really getting tired of sewing, and I still have Holiday gifts to make. But, this is for a good cause, will make someone feel appreciated, and feel seen, so I will get it done.

Laying out the block
First block completed (though not ironed)
Blocks finished on to assembling
First of two tops only need borders
Two quilts are in halves
Quilt 20 Finished, on to the next one

Quilt 21 Finished, no more for awhile

Texted Borders